Monday, January 24, 2011


I am starting a blog as a way to help those interested to save money and keep more of their paycheck or at least make that paycheck buy more items and stretch a little further.  I am the Budget Manager for a Division of a government agency.  My supervisor suggested that I write a book to help people save money full of money saving tips.  Although this is not quite a book, it is a step toward the direction and goal of assisting others to maximize their value of their money toward increasing their purchasing power with the finite funds they have.  In this economy, who doesn't want some good ideas to help accomplish that goal?

I will talk about various goods, services and items that can assist you toward getting various items that many of us tend to buy and hopefully introduce you to ways to save on various goods and services that may be helpful.

I also encourage you as the reader to ask me questions for me to answer on this blog or suggest tips for saving and/or making money that other readers may find useful.